25 Most Common Future Continuous Tense Sentences – Advanced English

Speaking Mubeen

  1. I will be adding other students to the class soon.
  2. My great mother will be cooking delicious food when you arrive.
  3. I will be writing a very important letter on a white paper with a blue pen throughout the afternoon.
  4. We will be playing a fantastic game in the garden tomorrow afternoon.
  5. The brave boy and his sister will be bravely killing a dangerous and big African black snake with a long stick in the kitchen on Sunday.
  6. I will be buying a beautiful and expensive car for my mother on her birthday because she likes cars.
  7. My friend and I will be playing a fantastic game in a beautiful and big garden near my house and we will be enjoying a lot because we are bored from our school work.
  8. Mr. Sajjad, who is attending international training sessions, will be joining my English course.
  9. I will be taking a break after I finish writing this letter.
  10. We will be swimming at the beach all afternoon tomorrow. (Replaces “may swim” with “will be swimming”)
  11. The man with guns including other nuclear equipment dangerous for human-being which were earlier banned by the USA government will be entering the room.
  12. I will be liking to go for a walk after dinner. (Replaces “like to go” with “will be liking to go”)
  13. The sons and daughters of the rich man with a high attitude will be behaving differently if they face financial difficulties.
  14. I heard a story that was told… I don’t know the story what will be told. (Plays with future continuous for the unknown story)
  15. We will be caring for our grandparents at their later ages.
  16. I will be teaching right now. I was teaching yesterday at the same time.
  17. I will be teaching tomorrow as well. (Shows future continuity based on present action)
  18. The famous book of a great writer from China will be more impressive than the title of the book of John’s son. (Uses future continuous for a comparison that might change)
  19. We will be having dinner at 7 pm sharp.
  20. I will be going to the store later to buy some groceries.
  21. My sister will be reading a book while I cook dinner. (Replaces “could be reading” with “will be reading”)
  22. Mr. Sajjad will be attending more training sessions next month. (Replaces “shall attend” with “will be attending”)
  23. They will be working on the project all weekend.
  24. I will be happy to see you again soon.
  25. We will be speaking English more confidently after practicing for a few months.
  26. She will be a great teacher because she loves helping others. (Uses future continuous for a future prediction based on present characteristic)

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